Today got off to a pretty frustrating start. I was so discouraged by lunchtime I almost didn't go back out into the studio. Pitchers are a big challenge for me. I do fine with the smaller ones but I really want to be able to make a nice tall, light pitcher that has a good form, and a good handle. That's what I was working on this morning and not having much luck. Anyhow after lunch I had a little pity party with myself and then went back out to work. I managed to make a board of 6.5 lb pitchers that looked pretty good. I threw these in two pieces each. I learned this at the workshop this weekend. I am not sure I totally like the shape of these but I'll work on it. For now I've got a start. I feel like sort of an inadequate potter in that I have to make these in two parts but what the hell, it works. Tomorrow I'll see if I can get some decent handles on them. I'll get a picture up too.
I finished up the day by putting some handles on some oval and square bowls and getting them plus some other bowls slipped and incised. I have been having thoughts of doing some slip trailing so tomorrow I am going to make some dishes and see what I come up with.
That's it for now.
September Diary 2024
5 months ago