I had a full day today. I got a lot done in the pottery. It was nice this morning, I opened the windows, listened to the rain on the tin roof, and the click, clack of my treadle wheel. Finished off all the pots I made yesterday, and threw the sections for a large jar. Things dry slowly in this new space. I am not used to it yet and I need a better rack system for storing work in progress as it is getting in the way. I may work on that soon. So all the pots I finished today still need to be slipped in the morning. Then I hope to make some mugs, bowls, oval serving bowls, and medium oval bakers. That's what my list says. I'd also like to get some vases in this firing but I am not sure what to do about that, I have some new designs in mind.
Kharma and I had a long walk before dark. Sarah is on her way home from Boone and will be here late. I am tired and ready for bed. Good night.
September Diary 2024
4 months ago