I spent several hours Saturday at Linda McFarling's pottery in Burnsville, NC. Linda and I met years ago at Arrowmont school where we were both taking a class. Since then Linda has been a friend and mentor to me.
Linda was firing her salt kiln during the visit but we had time to sit and talk and look at pots. One of the things that came up was the question of how one critically looks at ones on work. This has been a struggle for me and since I can be sort of shy I have not really sought out other's criticism in the past. Linda went over her process with me using her own pots as examples. It was very helpful. One of the methods she uses was learned from Minnesota potter Linda Christianson. Pots are looked at at different stages of development, during the making, handling, turning, after bisque, after final firing. Questions are asked, "which one is best?, why? which ones don't work?, why?, what can I change?" This is done with pots that are similar, say a run of cups, or jars or whatever. So the comparison is apples to apples. It is important to be present, to be objective, and to be willing to discard what isn't working or at least try again. This whole thing isn't easy and my belief is that not every one can do it. Not everyone can 'see' what is there, or what needs to be there. Linda says her training as a painter has helped her greatly. I think I can reconize good pots of others easier than I can of my own. I have no art training. I have to rely on what I have seen as good pots. I think drawing, looking, and paying attention are things that could help me.
Linda also said it is important to learn to 'discard'. This means for her throwing away finished pots that do not meet her standards. I do this but it usually takes time. For instance, right now I have two very full boxes of old pots sitting under the tractor shed. I think I will take them to the gully today. It will be very freeing.
Another lesson is learning to go the extra step. For instance, if I put a handle on a pitcher and I see that it doesn't work, I should go the extra step to take that handle off and try again. Or if I am turning a foot on a plate and it comes off still heavy, I should put it back on the wheel and take off more clay. Take the time to make the pots right.
Of course all this brings up the question, 'what makes a good pot?' For one person it may be one thing and another something else. And some people just don't care to ask, they just want to make stuff and not really go to this place. I can't really put into words what I think is a good pot. I know it when I see it. Sometimes pots are TOO good. These I don't like. My standards may be different than others. So maybe I'll think about what my standards are and how I am meeting them in my own work.
It was good to get to have this time with Linda and we planned on meeting again, this time with me bringing up some more pots and possibily getting together with a couple other potter's to have a 'pot on the spot' disscussion, over each other's work. That would be great for me.
September Diary 2024
2 months ago