I have been working on getting all set up in my new studio. It's taken me longer than I expected but I am trying to get rid of stuff as I move over. I have gotten to the point in my work where I don't need a lot of tools or gadgets, just a couple throwing ribs, a cut off wire, some batts, sponge, a couple sticks I use to decorate with and the tools at the end of each of my arms. Of course there's more but my point is that I am getting rid of all I don't absoultely need. This includes buckets of dried up slip and glaze that have sat around for years. I am down to 2 glazes and 3 slips. Easy.
The clay is in the racks drying but I bet it will be late next week before it is ready to use.
I have borrowed a heavy contiential kick wheel from a friend. I think this is going to be helpful in making the large jars and bowls. I like working on kickwheels as well as my treadle wheel. Quiet, nice movement, easy.
I have been asked to join the Board at the Cleveland County Arts Council. It is a 3 year term and I start next week. Today I have to go in for a new member training.
I really want to get back to making pots soon. My next show is at the McAlpine Barn with the ClayMatters Guild in May. I also have galleries wanting pots. So I need to get busy.
Have a good weekend.
September Diary 2024
4 months ago