I am working towards finishing up a load of pots for my next firing. I hope to wrap it all up by Monday. Nothing is drying very well so I have resorted to a fan. I will be at the ClayMatters Pottery Guild Spring Sale on May 13th. I'll try and get details up soon. It's at the McAlpine Business Park on Monroe Road in Charlotte.
I am testing a new clay body in this load. It's one of the one's I ran some trials on in my last firing. I mixed up a larger batch of it and have made mugs, trays, some bottles, and plates. It is a very smooth clay, unlike my current body which is course and open. Comparing the two I'd say the test clay is fleshy while my old clay is more bones. That may not make sense to some. Anyhow I think this new clay will have nice response in the soda kiln, more shiny and glassy. I may try adding some fireclay to it to give it some tooth.
Rainy here tonight. Sarah is on her way home from Boone so I have been hanging out with Kharma. She got a little loud and roughty with Loupey (#1 cat) so I have put her to bed for the night, (much to Loupey's relief).
Over and out.
September Diary 2024
4 months ago