Monday. Not as productive as I'd liked for it to have been, but I did get all these plates decorated. I went back and worked on that first one some, adding some dots around the flowers. These were a bit dryer than I'd have liked them to be but I managed through it all.
The truck is unpacked from Saturday's show and I still have a good amount of pots. Certain things anyhow. It looks like this week and next will be plate making days as well as some platters, small bowls and jars. And mugs. I want to have a mug sale on Esty soon so I'd like to have all new cups for that.
Had a good chat this morning with Brad Lail who is in China still. He's doing well. I'm looking forward to getting together with him when he gets back to Cleveland County in a few weeks. He's learned so much and has had a great experience, and it's not over yet.
Doug and I also had a good chat session this afternoon. (No wonder I got so little done today, Skyping people all over the globe!) Doug's getting ready for a firing this week so keep a lookout here. I've sent a jug over for the firing but I don't know if it's gonna get there in time for the loading. Oh well, it will have to wait for the next firing then.
Well Sarah's just gotten home from work so I better run. More later maybe.
September Diary 2024
4 months ago