Today was fairly productive although I didn't make any pots. I really needed to clean up the studio. It was getting way cluttered and junky and that makes me crazy. Looking at it makes me feel like the inside of my head is all messed up. So I tidyed up and swept and felt much more comfortable in there. I mixed some test slip and glaze and finished putting some liners in a couple bakers that I put off yesterday. I am trying out some slips that fit on bisque. It's nice to be able to slip the outside leatherhard, and then come back after the bisque and do the inside. I prefer a slip to a glaze on the insides if I can get away with it. It works best on open forms as the salt vapor needs to get in there and flux the slip and make it turn color. I also finished up the new Harry Potter book today after lunch. That's all I'll say about that in case you are reading it.
I mentioned Scott Cooper a while back. I got an email today directing me to his new journal site. It's really great. Scott's a good potter and writer to boot. Check it out, it looks like his plan is to post weekly. I enjoyed catching up on the past few weeks.
I also made it over to Gay Judson's blog. Gay posts comments to me from time to time but it's taken me until now to get to her site. She's making some good pots and I don't think she hates glazing anymore.
I'll also direct you over to Diana Fayt's blog. Her guest blogger Laura Zindel has a great post there on 'green pots'.
The above image is an oval baker from a few firings ago. (it has a glaze on the inside, not a slip like I was talking about earlier.)
September Diary 2024
4 months ago