I'm having a hard time getting back in the swing of things in the studio. I made a few pots today but couldn't get motivated to do much. I need to be using this time to build up some stock on my everyday pots and maybe take some time to work out some newer forms. I'd like to come up with a tall vase shape that isn't too generic. I'd like something oval or flattish, maybe even three sided with feet. I'd like for it to be 10 to 12 inches tall, maybe even 14. This is going to be something I build from slabs or stack two pieces. I'm not so good at throwing really tall forms. I did make some platters today, I sold the one that was hanging on the wall and so I want to make more along that line. I also need to take time out to top off my buckets of slips and glazes for the summer. I hate mixing stuff, so I need to do all this and have plenty to last a while.
I called Highwater today and they are getting my big order ready to pick up on Thursday morning. It's a 90 minute drive up there but it will be worth it to have enough material to make up a ton of clay. I guess I'll mix one day next week.
Today I figured out how to get my Newsletter onto the blog. I had to go to a site where I could upload it and then link to it from the blog. I may eventually do away with my website (it never gets updated anyway). I enjoy posting to the blog and can find ways to do most of what I need to.
Well it's about supper time. I am making some pasta featuring the Italian sausages that Tom Gray brought me on Saturday.
September Diary 2024
3 months ago