I'm going to attempt a post this morning even though I feel like I could use another few hours to get my head on straight. It's been a long weekend at the American Craft Council show. We got in last night and pretty much crashed out on the sofa and vegged on tv for an hour before bed. Below is a shot of my booth I took on Friday morning before the show opened. I always like seeing my work away from home. I went around and looked at all my pots and picked them up and examined them and saw them in new ways. I felt happy with them and satisfied with my direction.
There wasn't much functional pottery in the show this year. Maybe 3 potters total. It was a nice show overall with plenty of good quality craft. I had wonderful neighbors and enjoyed getting to know them all better over the weekend. Across the aisle from me was Stan and Sue Jennings from Allegheny Treenware. We have some of there spoons in the kitchen and I sold their work in my shop for awhile. They were both lots of fun and I admired their down to earth and genuine personalities. Stan talked a lot about sorghum molasses and sourdough, buckwheat pancakes. He raises his own sorghum and buckwheat, among other things I'm sure. They are true West Virginians and it was a pleasure to get to know them.
Over all the show wasn't very profitable. The crowd was down from years past. I don't complain much though, I do my part to be there and engage folks and talk about my pots. I have lots of local support and get to see many friends come down the aisle. I will probably do it again next year because the contacts and exposure are good and I am meeting new people who will eventually make their way out to my pottery in Shelby. If you came out to ACC, thanks for your support and encouragement.
So today I'll unload the truck and take care of some odds and ends. I'll be at the Carolina Pottery Festival this Saturday. I still have some good pots so come out if you can.
I'll be making more pots this week and posting regularly so check back soon.
September Diary 2024
4 months ago