Rob Barnard is a potter living in Virginia. I have been visiting his website lately checking out his new work and reading some of his essays. I have to read some of his stuff twice before it sinks in, but it is well done and gives one something to chew on.
If you have trouble reading against the white background, click on 'printer version'. I found this helpful.
Today I got some pots packed and delivered for an exhibition coming up next month in North Wilkesboro, NC. It is a show featuring potters from the clay guild I belong to, Claymatters. After lunch I made some cups, tankards, and small jars. I realized that I have quite a lot coming up in the next two months and need to really start focusing on what I want to make. I jotted down a 'to make' list. I should have plenty of time over the next two weeks to get it finished and bisqued. I will fire at the end of January.
September Diary 2024
4 months ago