I will be leaving in a couple hours to go to the Folk School. The class I will be assisting with is called Making Big Pots: Throwing with Fire. The throwing with fire part has to do with heating up the pot with a torch that Leon has designed. Basically you throw the pots in sections that are heated up and then joined. That way you can make big pots in one sitting. Leon Nichols was one of my first instructors at the Folk School. He makes very large classically shaped pots, some up to 6 ft tall or more. I am looking forward to assisting him this week. Leon lives in Charlotte and we have been friends ever since I took his class back in the early 90's.
I am hoping to make a few pots while I am there. I would specifically like to make some umbrella stands.
Sarah and I went to the last night of the Real to Reel Film and Video Festival in Kings Mountain last night. I went on opening night on Wednesday. This is the 7th annual and it keeps growing. It's an awesome festival with films coming in from all over the world. There are amateur and pro divisions in feature length, shorts, animation, and documentary. Some of the film makers even come. This year we had two films from Israel, and one of the film makers came to speak. These two films were shown last night and were very moving and inspiring to me. If you are a film buff then this is a great festival to know about, check out the website for more information.
Well that's gonna be it for a while. I don't know if I'll have access to a computer this week or not. I'll catch up when I get back home.
September Diary 2024
3 months ago