Thursday, June 14, 2007


I have the kiln all loaded. It went well and I got in all the pots I had wanted for my sale weekend. Of course I have plenty already in the showroom, so this will add to that. I am not stacking so close to the arch nowdays. I seem to get better results with that space above the pots. My next kiln may be a little shorter, more of a cube.
I am now waiting on the propane truck. I hope he comes today so I can fire tonight and tomorrow. If not I'll have to wait until Monday as I have things do on Saturday and Sunday. Either way I'll be fine.
Here are my two onlookers. Perry the lab, and Kharma the studio dog. Sweet, old Perry looks like Eeyore, forlorn and tired. Kharma has kept him busy today. I'll get a shot of him smiling later, when Kharm is worn out.