I got back in the studio yesterday after lunch to make pots to finish up this kiln cycle. This morning I threw some small vases and yunomi and that's it. I am waiting on some test clay to dry out a bit so I can make a few small pieces out of it. As soon as yesterday's mugs are dry enough I'll get them handled and hopefully everything will be slipped by the end of the day tomorrow.
I saw hundreds of pots at NCECA. It seemed that the majority of the work was functional, which was nice. Lots of bottles and cups, going along with the whole bourbon theme of many shows. I often come away from shows or workshops feeling down about my pots or my direction. Thankfully this wasn't the case after NCECA. I came away feeling like I could push certain things a little further and make some improvements here and there. Mainly regarding form. I felt good about my handles. Seeing some of the salt and soda fired work made me want to explore heavier sodium deposits, and reduction cooling. Since I am not a big decorator I want the kiln to have a say in that process.
I will be firing next week for my Home Sale. Newsletters went out yesterday and I'll send out email versions today or tomorrow. If you'd like to receive one please let me know, I'll be happy to put one out to you.
I am off to teach my last class of the session tonight at Clayworks. We are having a potluck and watching the Hamada film.
September Diary 2024
4 months ago