There is no way I am going to maintain my sanity and fire twice before the 1st. Actually I could do it but it would leave me no time to pack or do many other things I need to do to get ready for ACC. Yesterday I felt like my head was going to explode. So when Sarah got home we analyzed my options and I decided I'd fire once. I didn't have a great show at the Barn Sale last week so I have plenty of inventory. I'll get a good bit of the new stuff fired and have plenty for ACC. It feels good to have made that choice. I can take a little better care of myself now.
I don't think most people realize how much time and energy potters spend on their work. We are hard workers. I know I could manage my time a little better and things may be easier. I have a hard time making decisions sometimes too and can waste a lot of time staring off into space waiting for some divine inspiration. No luck with that yet. I was reading my friend Jen Mecca's blog this week, she's a full time mom and a full time potter. That's two full time jobs, I have no idea how she gets anything done. It does help to have a good partner and both Jen and I do, which is a blessing. Well enough about all that.
My new burners came yesterday. I will go to the hardware store tomorrow and get new fittings to get them all hooked up. Today, I have a bisque to unload and load and yes more pots to finish from yesterday. I am looking forward to having supper with the Circle of Eight tonight.
That's it for now. Happy Friday....I think the sun is going to come out here today. Yea!!
September Diary 2024
4 months ago