I shot these images Friday while cutting feet on some dinner plates. I thought it may be helpful for someone.
This first image is the plate upside down, re centered on a foam batt.I first define the outer side of the footring and cut away clay towards the edge.
Next I make a cut inside the edge of the footring. I usually ere on making the foot ring wider at this point, I will come back at the end and narrow it up. If I try to get it just right at this point I may mess up and cut it too lean.
Then, working from the center outwards I cut away the excess clay. This takes 3 or 4 passes. I try to do all of this in as few of moves as possible to keep it fresh and unfussy.
I've also started adding some holes in the foot rings so my customers can hang the plates if they choose. Five years ago I would have scoffed at this practice, thinking if someone bought a plate they certainly should eat from it. Now I give them an option. Many people tell me they have no more room for dishes, so here's one way for them to put it up on the wall and enjoy. Since I've started decorating more I can see how my plates may end up on the wall.
I like to cut the foot when the pot is at a medium hard leatherhard state. If the clay is shaving away like chocolate then it's too dry. If the clay sticks to the tool it's probably a bit too soft.
Michael Kline has a good video of foot cutting on his blog here.
September Diary 2024
4 months ago