So I can't say I'm really disappointed. I am quite happy actually that it went so well, even with the problems. Of course I don't think I'd have some of these issues in an electric kiln (I'd probably have completely different ones, right Hannah)(aaaahhhhhhh)....Anyway, is it worth it to go through with this whole gas thing? are the pots any better? is the process any more important? For me the biggest plus to this kiln is that it is front loading and has a good capacity. I don't really like top loading kilns. That said, I've never had one for long.So you can see I am considering the electric alternative. I'll think it over. I'll also have the chance to talk to some potters this weekend about it all. I do want to carry on with this work. What is the best way for me to do that? I have to continue to make a living. I have to have successful firings. I'll figure it out.
Below is a cup that was on the top front shelf. Not so good. The side facing away from the flame was much better.A good group of pots here.
And here too.
This is the top. You can see the dry areas on those jars, and the teapot handle.
I'll get to look at all these for awhile today before I leave. I will take a few along to share and show and tell. I'm not discouraged, I'm excited to make the next load of pots.
I was pretty happy with all my deco on these pots. I am trying to play around more. Develop my characters, capture their essence, and most of all have fun.
September Diary 2024
4 months ago