Yesterday the Cleveland County Arts Council held it's annual Bowling for Dollars fund raising event. Here's how it works, potters donate soup bowls to the Arts Council, people pay $15 to come in and pick a bowl and then have a lunch of soup and bread and dessert at the Arts Council. The money raised goes to schloarships for school age kids to take art classes. This event always sells out and we are only limited by the number of bowls donated. This year we had right at 200. Gail Point and her crew do all the cooking on site, yesterdays soup choices were 'chicken and shrimp gumbo' and 'potato, leek and cheddar' . They were both delicious. My job is to carry big pots of soup from the kitchen, which is upstairs, down to the basement where everyone is served. The stairs are really steep and I have to make sure I don't get to the bottom too fast.
Bowls awaiting selection.
The line to get into the 'bowl room' just before 11 am. (that's my display on the left, still up from the Treasures of the Earth show)